Whiskey Club Bourbon Now Available!
The Big Winston Whiskey Club bottle is now available to the public! Our in-house pick is a 7-year Big Winston bourbon at cask-strength of 132 proof.
Three new ryes are available. We have our 10-year Anniversary Rye Fidelity at 110 proof, an 8-year cask strength Rye Fidelity at 133 proof, and the 120 proof Wood Exploration Rye — started in a stout beer barrel and then aged 10 years in a scraped, toasted and re-charred 59-gallon wine barrel.
Two barrel-finished Big Winston bourbons are available now—one malt-finished and one rum-finished. Both are 7-year at 110 proof and finished for three months in our own rum and malt barrels.
Our first American Single Malt Whiskey clocks in at 8-years and 100 proof.
We have a few bottles remaining of the Bourbon Community of NC barrel pick bourbon—7 years and 130 proof. Also the 4-year Boykin rum based on our regular Sungrazer recipe. Sungrazer Chai is also back as part of our core line.
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